Wednesday, July 16, 2014


…We are here.  We officially moved to Nickelsville, Virginia on May 14th.  I cannot believe that two whole months have flown by already.

Change is always challenging but during a transition there is room to grow and to get to know the Lord in new and different ways.

When we made the decision to move onto the Lee’s farm last October we knew in our hearts is was going to be a short, transitional period, we just had no idea what would be next.  God is so faithful to provide for our every need and to lead us every step of the way, when we are surrendered to His will.  Beginning a journey with an unknown destination is a huge test of faith.  For us, every season of waiting is like a refining fire.  I am discovering more and more that in one way or another I am always waiting and hoping and by His grace trusting in His faithfulness.  

We never could have dreamed or imagined the amazing piece of property God would provide for us here in the southwest corner of Virginia.  He amazed us with the provision of a rental home close by to our property and He is reminding us each and every day that His promise to provide is trustworthy and true.  We have the most wonderful neighbors who continue to bless us with fresh veggies from their gardens and good conversation out in the yard.  We are starting to feel somewhat “settled” in to our new life here in Nickelsville, but as I mentioned above we definitely feel like we are still in a season of waiting for God’s purposes to unfold here.  We are waiting for the buildings to be built on the property, we are waiting for the Lee family to be able to move up to VA and bring all the animals, we are waiting for all the pieces of His vision for the farm here to fall into place, we are waiting to build a home on the property, we are waiting to see what type of business our family will be able to develop here to make money, we are waiting for our children to feel at home here, we are waiting for the Lord to bring new friends and relationships, and we are ALWAYS waiting for the day when Jesus comes back and His Kingdom comes in the fullness of its beauty and glory.  Waiting and hoping. 

We love gardening because every single aspect teaches us something about His Kingdom.  I don’t know if you have ever planted seeds and watched them grow into a plant that produces fruit but it can be life changing.  It is a miracle.  Here you are with these little bitty seeds piled in your hand.  You dig a hole.  You put the little seeds down there, in the dark soil.  You cover them completely.  You can’t even see them. You can’t check on them.  You can’t help them at all.  You just put them into the soil, make sure they can get water and sunlight and then YOU WAIT.  This time period is full of doubts and maybe even fear.  What if they never sprout?  Did you plant them right?  Are they getting enough water? Too much water?  Do I even have any idea what I am doing?

Amazingly, none of that seems to matter.  Under the soil there is something beautiful and miraculous happening.  Life is coming forth from death.  There is something new breaking forth right out of the old.  And although you have played a small part - you have NO CONTROL.  God Himself is the giver of life and the sustainer of all things.  He alone brings the rain and causing the sun to shine down on the earth.  We simply must wait and trust and if we dare we will have faith for the fruit.

“The one who sows to please his sinful nature from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”  Galatians 6:8-9

This is where I am.  I feel a little overwhelmed being here in this small town where I know no one and there is no one familiar for miles around.  I have had hard days that have made me wonder what in the world have I done.  I have had wonderful days that have given my heart joy and strength to keep trusting. I have watched my little ones cry because they miss their family and friends and I have watched them run and play and explore God’s creation with more joy than words can express.  I have seen the weight of decisions weighing on my husband’s heart.  I have also seen my husband become a stronger leader and a man totally dependent on the Lord.  I have felt crazy with emotion and had to face the true sinfulness of myself.  But I have also become more aware of my need for Jesus and more desperate for His Spirit to fill me.  I am truly learning to count the cost of following and my heart rejoices that it is worth it!  A million times over it is worth it all to know Christ and the power of His resurrection life!

“And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.  For the pagan world runs after all such things and your Father knows that you need them.  But seek his Kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.  Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor.  Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.  For where your treasure it, there your heart will be also.”  Luke 12:29-34

One day you walk outside and there are little green sprouts everywhere.  It really worked.  There is actually something growing.  There is actually something alive and that something is going to bear fruit in the days to come.  That fruit will be a true gift.  Undeserved and unearned by the little part we played and yet it is given to us freely and abundantly. That seed will produce a harvest a hundred times greater than what we started with.

That is where my hope is found.  I am here waiting but I am going to trust that there will be fruit.  I am going to trust that there will be a harvest of righteousness in my own heart and in the hearts of my children and their children and their children’s children.  And that harvest is worth every sacrifice and challenge that I may face. 

The love of Jesus is completely free.  We can never earn it or deserve it.  We must simply receive it and embrace its power to change us completely.  But let us never be confused or misunderstand that following Him in His ways will cost us everything.  It will cost us our lives - but oh my dear brothers and sisters the life we will find is worth it all!

So wherever you are may you find yourself barefoot and filled with faith for the fruit that is to come.